The Phoenix and Turtle Club is an ensemble of young artists dedicated to performing classical works of drama and literature.
11-1pm, ages 7-11
Saturdays 1/11-2/15 (6wks)
@ Clover Montessori, $150
Our popular youth drama class returns! What makes a good story? How is a story put together? How can we turn a story into a performance? Through creative play and devised theatre games, students in this class will learn the fundamentals of storytelling, working together to create their own original story to present at the end of the course.
1-3pm, ages 12-17
Saturdays 1/11-2/15 (6wks)
@ Clover Montessori, $150
Learn the tools and techniques necessary for cracking open the Bard! Students in this class will work directly with Quintessence Theatre’s own Director of Education, Adam Pelta-Pauls, a graduate of the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama who has performed Shakespeare’s words on stages in four continents, to learn the basics of verse & text work. Students will present pieces they’ve worked on in class in a showcase on the final day.